Whether you are in extreme pain or severe damage has occurred to your teeth or gums, you’ll need to consider whether or not you can wait for a regularly scheduled appointment. If the issue is too severe, you’ll need to consider visiting an emergency dentist in mobile al.

What Is Emergency Dentistry?

Emergency dentistry is the field of dentistry that involves the treatment of severe dental emergencies that need to be cared for immediately. An emergency dentist is able to take patients last minute, and will often try to see the patient within 24 hours.

Emergency Services (and Their Costs)

There are a variety of different services that fall under the umbrella of “emergency dentistry.” Below are a few of the different ailments that an emergency dentist can treat, and their associated costs:

Tooth Extraction

If a tooth has been damaged or has decayed severely enough, that tooth may be beyond saving. If this is the case, an emergency tooth extraction will need to be performed. This service will often cost around $75 to $300 if surgery is not involved. If surgery is necessary, the price may be closer to $200 to $600 (particularly due to the cost of anesthesia).

Root Canal Therapy

A root canal generally isn’t thought of as an emergency, but if the root becomes infected enough, the tooth may need to be treated immediately. Emergency root canal therapy can be anywhere between $800 and $1,200 depending on the particular tooth and other factors.

Emergency Filling

If a filling falls out, or if a tooth has a fracture, an emergency filling may need to be placed. These emergency fillings will often cost around $110 to $200 per filling.

Emergency Crown

If a tooth has been severely damaged, an emergency crown may need to be placed. While crowns will often take multiple trips to place, the initial treatment can be taken care of during an emergency trip to the dentist. From there, a crown may be anywhere between $1,200 and $1,500.

Do I Need an Emergency Dentist?

Whether or not you need an emergency dentist depends on the severity of the damage to your oral health, or the level of pain that you are experiencing. If you have any questions as to whether the services of an emergency dentist are needed, consider contacting your general dentist. If they are unavailable, contact an emergency dentist and discuss the symptoms with them.

Finding an Emergency Dentist

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, you’ll want to find an emergency dentist as soon as possible. You may first consider speaking with your general dentist to see if they have any openings for an emergency appointment. If not, you can ask about any dentists they may know that can help with your emergency.

You also may want to consider checking online or with your insurance company.

Set an Appointment

Once you find an emergency dentist, contact them to set an immediate appointment. Most emergency dentists will see you within 24 hours.

Learn More About Emergency Dentistry : What is Emergency Dentistry?